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Tami Napolitano

Co-Founder / CEO

Born and raised in Rutland, Vermont, Tami has always held family and community in the highest regard. A truly driven individual, Tami has not only sustained, but catalyzed the growth of Awesome Graphics with her mind for business, dedication to success, and lofty standard of perfection. Tami lives to spend time with her three children and her granddaughter, Maria. She enjoys traveling, beaches, bike riding and competitive games of any kind.

Eric Briere

Eric Briere

General Manager

Eric Briere has always possessed an aptitude for creativity and effective leadership. Prior to joining the Awesome Graphics team, he received his bachelor’s degree in Painting & Sculpture from Castleton University and managed a restaurant and an art gallery. During his time of employment at Awesome Graphics, Eric has made huge strides for the company. After exhibiting consistent reliability and professionalism as a shop technician and installer, he was promoted to the head of operations. Eric epitomizes versatility and forward thinking and ensures that every job is completed with the utmost quality and attention to detail. Eric enjoys hiking with his two labs, Cooper and Jelly, snowboarding, and playing golf.

Tom Gaudreau

Tom Gaudreau

Vehicle Department Manager_Design & Certified 3M Installer

While he prefers to remain behind the scenes, Awesome Graphics relies heavily on the meticulous consistency of Tom Gaudreau. Tom has worked for Awesome graphics since 2009, and in that time, he’s become a master in his field and a force in the world of 3M-Preferred Installers. Tom’s attention to detail makes him an invaluable part of the company’s success. Tom enjoys staying under the radar, making facetious comments that nobody can fully hear, exhibiting his catlike reflexes, and puppet theater.

Kasie Newton

Kasie Bree Edwards

Assistant Manager

Kasie joined the team in 2020, originally as the receptionist (with a different last name)! Her hard work, dedication and tremendous ability to multi task has since launched her into the role of Assistant Manager. She has a passion for helping people and it truly shows in her outstanding customer service. In her free time she loves being at the lake with her 3 beautiful daughters and her wonderful husband (our very own Print Manager) Anthony, whom she met while working at Awesome Graphics!

Anthony Edwards

Anthony Edwards

Print Manager

Since 2018, Anthony Edwards has never once failed to impress with his stellar work ethic and positive attitude. He’s always willing to learn new skills and takes on new tasks with confidence and attention to detail After graduating from Stafford Technical Institute, he worked as a photojournalist for the Rutland Herald and as a self-employed real estate photographer. Since joining Awesome Graphics, his scope of skills and responsibilities has steadily grown. Anthony brings positivity, fun, and consistency to the workplace. Anthony prefers black coffee and takes pride in his Italian heritage.

Rael Dolan

Workflow Coordinator, Scheduler

Rael brings an organizational and quality control element to Awesome Graphics. She has an amazing eye for detail and a commitment to excellence. She has honed her skills in optimizing workflow and ensuring every aspect of our operations runs like a well-oiled machine.

Beyond her organizational prowess, she enjoys cooking, crafting, outdoor activities, sunshine, snacking and animals of all kinds.
We are thrilled to have her as part of our Awesome family.

Noah Beauchain

Lead Wrap Installer

Noah is a graduate of Plymouth State University. A lover of the outdoors, he enjoys skiing, golfing, and hiking. When not in nature, he spends his time bowling with friends and playing video games. Noah has always had a passion for design and enjoys working on the vehicles in the shop. He is getting his training for 3M certification later this year. Noah has been growing leaps and bounds, he gets along with everyone. We are so glad he has joined our team!

Dylan Beaudry

Shop tech, Installer

Dylan is a seasoned graphic designer and vinyl installer, adept at bringing creative visions to life. He comes to Awesome Graphics equipped with a robust skill set in both digital design and hands-on installation. Dylan's proficiency extends to precise and professional vinyl installation, ensuring high-quality finishes for a variety of surfaces. He is passionate about delivering exceptional results that meet client expectations and enhance their visual presence.


Alyssa Cox


Alyssa is new to the team and brings with her a dedication and happy demeanor sure to shine in every aspect of her day. She takes multitasking to new levels making her our ideal receptionist, taking great care to ensure each detail of every interaction is noted. She takes great pride in forging positive relationships with the public and can't wait to work with the clients of Awesome Graphics.
In her free time, Alyssa can be found spending time with her son; hunting, fishing or enjoying other outdoor activities. She's known to have a heart for animals making her family whole with two dogs, two cats, two guinea pigs, and a fish!

Jacob Whitaker

Jacob Whitaker

Graphic Designer

Jacob comes to us as a recent graduate from VTSU Castleton with a degree in graphic design.
His hobbies include drawing, skateboarding, spending time with his friends & pets, and anything outdoors.
We are excited to welcome Jacob to Awesome Graphics!

Print Room & Finishing Specialist


Jake Ramage

Shop Tech, Installer

I am a passionate community member of Rutland, and serving the community and being apart of the staff at Awesome Graphics is beyond exciting to me!
My experience in structural and decorative wood working will be a asset to the Awesome Graphics team.

Connor Rowe


Connor is a graduate of Southern Methodist University. He is great with numbers and is ready to get every job started on the right track.
Outside of work, he enjoys making art, watching baseball, and spending time with his cat. We are excited to have him join our Awesome Graphics team!

Kayla Cannon

Sales, Western Slope

A Vermont native, Kayla Cannon has spent the last nine years in the Four Corners area with her husband, Caleb Cannon, and daughter, Maria Cannon. A driven and motivated individual, Kayla recognized the need for a full-service graphic design and large-format print shop in Cortez and its surrounding areas. She is committed to bringing the reputed service and quality of Awesome Graphics to Southwest Colorado.

Christopher Kane

Graphic Designer

Bio coming soon!

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